Sunday, August 8, 2010

Somebody Pinch Me

As stated before we are living in Caringbah, NSW, which is part of the famed Sutherland Shires.  Our new address is 18 Turtle Road, Caringbah NSW 2229.  My cell phone number is: 0402-575-077.  The home we are in looks out over Yowie Bay, just off Port Hacking.  It is a deep ocean-water bay.  Try this link to goole maps to see our location:,+Caringbah,+NSW,+Australia&sll=-34.04313,151.123123&sspn=0.068276,0.110035&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=18+Turtle+Rd,+Caringbah+South+New+South+Wales+2229,+Australia&ll=-34.051877,151.109476&spn=0.017067,0.027509&z=15 .  If you zoom out you will see we are located south of the Sydney and the airport. It only takes Dave about 20-30 minutes to get to work.  It is beautiful here!  The house we live in is pretty old, but very liveable.  We have a lot of room and a fantastic view.  The downfall to this place is that the owners/landlords live right next door and they eventually want to live here so  it is likely our stay will not be as long as we would want but we will try to get as much out of it as we can.  Here is what it looked like out our front windows this morning.

Jenna loves her new school, Caringbah Public School.  You can go to if you want to see more.   On her first day at school she was greeted like a rock star.  She was surrounded by a bunch of girls all asking a million questions.  Everyone enjoys hearing about her life in America.  While they were working in their computer lab her teacher, Mrs. MacDonald, pulled up Rosemount, MN on the map and showed everyone where Jenna lived before moving to Caringbah.  Jenna loves her uniform and feels comfortable being dressed the same as everyone else. 

On her first day Jenna said she felt shy but good about going.  All the girls in her class surrounded her and introduced themselves.  They were all so happy and excited to meet her.  Jenna says her teacher is very nice, that she felt she really cared about her and everyone else.

Yesterday (Sunday) was one of the first days we were able to sit and have a beer in the sun at our new place.  "Take the picture before I go blind."  Not the best expressions, but the sun was pretty bright.  Do note that our coozies are from Shenanigan's in Rosemount.  Ahhhh, our first cold Coronas on the patio.

Here is Dave making friends with the locals.

Here are some more signs that made us laugh...

Super Center?

This is for Tom and Brian

I just liked the wording on this one.

There is much more to share, but I will start with this entry.  I have been without internet access on my laptop since last Thursday so I have not been available on Skype.  I will fix that at my earliest convenience. 


Kelli, Dave and Jenna

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Getting Settled

We have been in Australia for a liitle over one month now and are finally getting settled.  We have spent a lot of time on the road looking for a house to rent and have finally found one in Caringbah.  Once we found a house we had to decide on a school.  We had two very good options in the neighborhood and after fully scrutinizing each one we finally made our decision. It took another week to go through the application process.  We still need to get Jenna set up with uniform(s) then she will start on Wed. August 4.  At that point, I should have more time to add some of our current pictures and videos. 

I have not figured out how to set up the comments section of this blog so until I do, please send comments to me at
